Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's official!

The dust has settled and the smoke has cleared, and I'm married.

I can't believe that I'm married to my soul mate, my best friend, my confidant, my sidekick in life.

After all our planning, stresses, our being apart, we managed to pull off an amazing wedding.  The weekend was perfect.  Our families love each other, our friends all got along for the entire weekend, and the weather and farms allowed for a beautiful backdrop to even the simplest of cameras.

I cannot wait to get back the photos from our photographer.  I'm sure they will be incredible, because Neverland Farms is incredible.   Everywhere you turned, it was decorated with beautiful flowers and greenery. My Aunt told me at the reception that this place was very me/us.  Outdoors, relaxed, with a touch of sophistication.

Ha, I know this all sounds egotistical, but I really haven't had a chance to sit back and reflect on how last weekend went.  This is my time to toot my horn, and to give props to my prodigious husband.  I found a true partnership with him.  We discuss everything.  Sometimes it could lead to a disagreement, but we always to find a way to come back and settle like adults with a conversation.  Hence, is why the wedding weekend wound up perfect.  We agreed on every little detail.  Down to the cabins of where 70 of our friends and family stayed.  Ok, well, half of it was our family.  He had his entire family there (including his brothers from Austria).  I had my entire immediately family, plus all my extended family.  It was the first time in twenty-some years that all of the cousins were in one location.

Now it is just time to go through all the paperwork to get my named changed, especially for work.


1 comment:

DIY said...

Its really informative and helps me for clearing my some confusing points about it. keep it up